Thursday, January 15, 2009

remember lot's wife

I heard this amazing devotional on Tuesday! I loved every minute of it. Elder Holland is my favorite, which made it so much sweeter. I think it was my favorite devotional I've attended. I'm sitting in the Varsity Theater in the Wilk holding back the tears so the two strangers I'm sitting in between don't think I'm a freak. I feel like everything he said was exactly what I needed to hear. I've felt that way a lot lately. The Lord seems to have expounded the tender mercies on me. I need to be better about seeing them and realizing how blessed I really am. Please read this devotional! Even if you have already heard it, read it again! I hope you find as much as I did.


  1. I'm so glad you posted that link! I loved the devotional as well, I was sitting there thinking, "I hope I can find the transcript of this somewhere."

  2. I wasn't going to read it, but then you mentioned your gratitude for Elder Holland's talk and your sweetness overcame me. Thanks for the post.
