Saturday, January 31, 2009

twenty five

1-I secretly really enjoy these things, even though I know they are way corny.
2-I started a list of 2008 things I did in 2008, but I only got to 1024.
3-I love Reba.
4-I have been to the National Finals Rodeo more times than I can remember
5-I love reading the Daily Universe
6-I like shaving my arms
7-I make up stories in my head while I'm trying to fall asleep
8-I have "excited" hands.
9-I tend to repeat things in twos
10-I'm a Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift fan.
11-I love staying up late
12-I like getting back into my bed just after I've taken a shower
13-I laugh at everything
14-I secretly dance and sing in my room by myself
15-I didn't hate high school or middle school
16-I love The Great Gatsby
17-My car's name is Lola, she was a show girl
18-I have a blind and deaf dog.
19-I love reading my horoscope
20-I've spent New Year's Eve on Bourbon St. in New Orleans
21-I get obsessed with things easily, like right now I'm obsessed with Celine Dion and dancing movies
22-I pretend to hate it when people tell me I'm like my mom, but secretly she's my hero, and I would love to be just like her.
23-I was on a bowling league for a year
24-I was in marching band in high school, and on my band council. I was the secretary.
25-I am very superstitious.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I sat next to him!

I was searching for a seat. I walked down the aisle. I spotted one on the end, just what I wanted. Oh wait, backpack in the seat. I walk back up the aisle. And I spotted him. And an empty seat next to him. I debated sitting there. Did I really want to sit next to him on a test day? And I wanted an aisle seat for the test, I would have to sit in between two people. But... I did it. And it was totally worth it! I was very excited!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

classes will dull your mind, destroy the potential for authentic creativity

I'm feeling pretty bored this semester so far. I'm taking a bunch of GE classes while I wait to apply to Nursing again, so it's kind of a bunch of classes I don't really want to take. I'm only taking 13 credits this semester. And I'm in two religion classes, which I'm really liking.

Humanities 202:

Too much reading and writing for my liking. The professor said that A's are exceptional work. I hope I can come out with one.

Political Science 110:

I'm actually retaking this class, unfortunately. And I did get a fairly good grade the first time I took this. But the Nursing Program suggests I take it again. So I obey. I think I will like it better the second time around. And the other day I sat next to kid who was looking at guns online....

Statistics 221:

I'm not a big fan of stats. I'm not really looking forward to this class. A lot of people. Standardized tests. Not my cup of tea.

Doctrine and Covenants:

I'm already liking this class a lot. I love my teacher. And I've already learned a lot. I love church history. And I'm excited for what I can learn about the gospel in this class.

Hymns of the Restoration:

I'm loving this class. My professor is great. And my reading is hymns, how great is that. I'm excited to learn about the backgrounds of the hymns and to learn more about the doctrines of the church through the hymns. I do have to sit by a girl who has to find something to compliment me on every day. Like "I really like your hair" "oh thanks, it's just in a pony tail." Or "I like the color of your binder" She's starting to annoy me. I guess it will give me a great lesson in patience.

I hope this semester goes as well as last semester for me or even better. Let's hope I can find some motivation.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

remember lot's wife

I heard this amazing devotional on Tuesday! I loved every minute of it. Elder Holland is my favorite, which made it so much sweeter. I think it was my favorite devotional I've attended. I'm sitting in the Varsity Theater in the Wilk holding back the tears so the two strangers I'm sitting in between don't think I'm a freak. I feel like everything he said was exactly what I needed to hear. I've felt that way a lot lately. The Lord seems to have expounded the tender mercies on me. I need to be better about seeing them and realizing how blessed I really am. Please read this devotional! Even if you have already heard it, read it again! I hope you find as much as I did.

give me some suga'

On Decemeber 29 I loaded a motor home along with my mom (who had back surgery 10 days before), my dad, Lee, Chris and Laura and started the journey to New Orleans. On December 31 around 8:00 P.M. we arrived in New Orleans. We spent New Years Even on Bourbon Street. It was quite the experience. I wasn't sure how I felt about New Orleans after that night, but in the next few days I found like I actually really enjoyed the city of New Orleans. We took a shuttle into the city on the 2nd and got a little tour of the town. It has so much history. It's old and authentic. It was fun to see the Mississippi and even take a ferry boat.

The game was that night. And it was so much fun! Before the game even started I was angry though, because of some stupid Alabama outside the stadium and some stupid BYU fans back in Provo. But the game was AWESOME! And incredible. The Utes came out and went up 21-0 on the Tide. It was unbelieveable. Utah ruled the whole game. The final score was 31-17. Brian Johnson got the MVP of the game and Louie even got to kick one last field goal. My Utes ended up #2 in the nation! It's a shame they didn't get the oppurtunity they deserved, along with many other teams in the nation, to go for the championship.

It was an awesome season of football. I had a lot of fun with my mom, lee, and chris at all the home games. And I had a blast in New Orleans with my family! I did miss one thing this Utah football season and that was Christopher. I will be watching the Sugar Bowl again in 2010 with him!! Go Utes! Sugar Bowl Champs! #2!

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