Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Work and Play!

So I haven't really blogged in awhile so I figured I would update you all.....

I'm working at Pinnacle Security, in the Account Creation department. It's not a bad job. And I love the people that work there! And I even get to talk to my bro every once and awhile. I really miss him and it's great to be able to talk to him! I actually just got promoted to a Team Lead job! I was really excited about it!!! I'll get to talk to Chris less. :( But it is a better job!!! Here's a picture of my job...luckily with my new job I don't have to sit here all day.

I've been working full time, so that has taken most of my time. But I've found some time to take a few road trips....
First, I went to Alamo, NV with Kristen and Toni! It was a great little weekend road trip and I had a great time!

Four-wheeling and Rhino-ing!!

Second, I went with my parents to Arizona to visit Clint, Norah, Mateo, and Lucas. We had a lot of fun! And it was great to see all of them again!

Miniature Golfing!

The beautiful Arizona sunset

Cute Mateo! He has gotten so big!


Trying sushi for the first time...once was enough. :)

Dad and I dancing outside San Tan Flat. We are such dorks!

San Tan Flat! Cowboy Up!


Slide Rock! It was so fun! The water was so cold.

Jumping off!

Drinking Cherry Dr. Pepper from THE coolest drink machine of all time in Kanab, UT! I had a Cherry Dr. Pepper, Wild Cherry Pepsi, and a Mountain Dew Code Red on the way home.... :)

I can now buy cigarettes.....

I had such a great birthday! It started at 6:30 in the morning with my birthday being announced on the radio...I'm famous!!! Thanks Kristen! Then I went back to bed...of course. I watched Grey's Anatomy!!! My favorite TV show. I played some basketball with Christopher!

I accidentally caught Kristen coming in the back door with part of my surprise...oops!

I went to dinner with my parents, Lee, and Sarah at California Pizza Kitchen it was delicious!!!
As we were leaving my mom was being a little suspicious and I thought something was up.....

Well I was right! Kristen, Kathryn, Chris and Michael were waiting for me at home to surprise me for my birthday!! It was so fun! I was glad to spend my birthday with my favorite people! Thanks guys!!! We played some games. Took a trip to Wal Mart! And partied all night!!

The Surprise!!!

My Cake!

Birthday kiss from Chris!!!!!
Well now that I'm 19, I have this urge to go buy a pack of cigarettes....not to smoke them of course. But just to buy them because I can..... :)