Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009: In Pictures!

January: A trip to New Orleans with the family and a Sugar Bowl win!!

February: Katy Perry with Kelsey

March: My first Festival of Colors!

April: I cut my hair!

May: My 20th birthday at Build-A-Bear with all my favorite people!

June: Temple Open House with Nichelle, Kristen, and Emily! And then again with my parents and Lee! :)

Also in June: Acceptance into the Nursing Program!!

July: Koda joined our family.

Also in July: Family Reunion

P.S. Also in July I got a new job!

August: Annual "Get a Ton of Free Food" with Emily!

September: Utah Football is back!

October: Nichelley-Poo gets married!

November: A lot of fun with the roommates!

December: Finished my first semester of nursing school. And had a wonderful Christmas with my family!

A wonderful year it was!

Happy New Year!

Here's to 2010 being even better than 2009!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Koda Bear

{Koda and I}

This dog is the coolest! I get really mad at her sometimes! She can be pretty obnoxious every once and awhile-like the time she drank out of my hot chocolate or the time(s) she goes crazy! And she gets hair everywhere. But really who doesn't have their obnoxious moments and shed their hair everywhere??

She is so silly. She will steal things that aren't hers and that she knows she shouldn't have, like socks and apples, and then she runs outside. It's really hard to get them back from her. She's fast and big. You can chase her around the back yard for hours trying to get things back. But I'm pretty much a pro at it. My parents have to use treats to coax her to give stuff back. I'm so good I don't even need the treat. My parents aren't going to know what to do when I go back to school. Probably they'll have to buy more treats. Or I'll get calls from them saying "Court we can't get her to drop the sock. Can you come help?" Today she stole an apple and they couldn't get it from her but I (we) cornered her and I got the apple out her mouth. It was the most slobbery apple you've ever seen. Gross!

She is so cute. She will wait at my door in the morning until my mom opens it for her and they she will jump from the hallway to my bed and start licking my face. Then she will lay in bed with me for a bit. I like it when she just lays there with me.

She is so loving. She likes to give hugs. She will burrow herself into you to say how much she loves you!

She is so fun. She will chase me around the house. And she's not even going at full speed. She could totally over take me but she just chases me until I run onto my parents' bed. Then she jumps up there with me and we attack my pops!

She has these toys that squeak. Boy, they are annoying! I vow now that my children will never have squeaky toys!

She likes to make new friends! She gets really excited when new people come over. She kind of goes crazy. My mom is trying to teach her not to, but let's just say she's not learning very fast.

I think she doesn't always realize how big she is. We weighed her on Wii Fit. It said she weighed a whooping 92 pounds!! But then we weighed her on our scale and she weighed 78 pounds! But sill 78 pounds is a big pup!

For the most part, she is a top dog!

I call her Koda Bear.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

What will you give Him this year?

Please watch this remarkable movie:

I wish you all the very best Christmas. Keep the Spirit of Christ in your hearts! He came to save us all. It is Him that we celebrate at this time of year. Please remember that as you open your presents tomorrow. Don't forget to open at least one for Him. :) Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

It Doesn't Get Better Than This-Part 2

Here's part 2 of my shout out to those people (or things) that helped me get through this semester!

My bathroom buddy:

It's been fun sharing a bathroom. You've been so great! Especially that time I got out of the shower and you said "How was it?" and I said "HOT!". Yes. Good times. I'm glad I live with you.

Any of the girls in my ward who wrote me a brownie note:

We have these things in my ward called "brownie notes". You can write a note to whomever you would like in the ward and then you put it in the brownie box and it gets delivered. I look forward to their delivery every Sunday cause I hope that I will get at least one from one of the girls in my ward. They seriously make my day! They are so sweet and kind to me. And I just love them. I keep all the brownie notes they write to me. I don't think they know how much it means to me when I get a note from them. It makes me think about how happy God must be when we pray to him. He must get so excited!

My new nursing friends:

(I don't think any of you read this, but I still want to include you) They've been so great! I've met so many great people already. And some people who help me realize that everyone can teach us something. Like the girl who said she wants to graduate college with straight A's. She taught me that it's okay to have really high goals, but we need to be realistic. Or the girl who only showered once during finals week. She taught me that you really DO need to find time shower. (Although, I already knew that, maybe I need to teach her something). Nursing students are crazy, but they've been really great to me too. I'm excited to spend the next 2 1/2 years with them and to meet even more great people!

A weekly email from Ukraine:

Hey kiddo. You rock! I loved those times I got a personal email from you. It seriously made my day! I'm so proud of you. And I miss you. Oh. And hey, it's been a while since I've gotten a letter....Checka!


She's awesome. And I miss her. She's in France now. (As you saw below). She was so understanding when I couldn't stay up late talking to her on gmail chat cause I was just too tired. And she gave me Lyle to take care of while she's gone. She always has such great advice for me!

All my blogger friends:

I loved getting on and reading what you had to write. I hoped everyday that I would open my google reader and there would be lots and lots of items for me to read. I looked forward to it so much! It was such a nice break to read about your lives. :)

My bed:

I loved getting into you after a long day! Feeling your warmth was magical. I'm sure we'll have many more great nights together!

Dr. Pepper:

Thanks for helping me not fall asleep when I was really tired. You are a true friend.


I loved my escape every Thursday night for an hour. Thanks!

Well I did it! I made it through my first semester of nursing school. But I didn't do it alone! And I'm so glad.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

It Doesn't Get Better Than This

I. Am. So. Blessed

Here's a little shout out to some peeps who made it possible for me to make it through this crazy, busy semester!

My mommy and daddy:
They have always been there for me. Through everything! And they give me lots of money so I can go to school and become a nurse. Thanks for letting me call and vent or be excited. Thanks for letting me come over to get food and do my laundry and to talk to you about my life. Thanks for coming to jump my car. More than once! Thanks for letting me still be your pumpkin' and baby doll. Thanks guys! You rock!I promise I'll talk care of you when you are old and can't take of yourself :) I love you both. A lot!

my dad helping my mom walk around the nurses' station a year ago after her back surgery

This girl is pretty much amazing! I would not have made it through this semester without her. I'm so glad I get to live with her. And she feeds me. Good food too! I love her. A lot. And I can't imagine what my life would be like without her and I'm sure glad I don't have to. Thanks for always telling me that I'm going to be a good nurse and for calming me down when I start to freak out. And for telling me that I'm a good relief society president. You are simply the best! And I love you!

My Savior:
Prayer is fantastic. The gospel is truly amazing! My testimony and faith have grown ten fold in the past year and I'm so grateful. Being the relief society president has given me a whole new perspective on the love the Savior has for each of us. I'm amazed! I can't imagine doing this earthly experience thing without Him! I know He lives. I know He loves me. {and you}. Life is fantastic!

p.s. there are many more people (and things) that have helped me this semester. Look for installment 2-coming soon!

I Miss Her

{A lot.}

I'm so proud of her though.

She's in France!

Spreading the Gospel! How freakin' cool.

I can't wait till she gets back and we can gorge ourselves with junk food and go to rodeos and play guitar and gossip about people from high school and pick up free tables on the side of the road and go to the temple and watch mindless tv and talk about dumb boys. I miss her.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

War's End Kiss

I'm so close to the end of the war {at least my fall semester war}. If only I had a cute boy to kiss me like this after my last final tomorrow night.

{a girl can dream right?}

Monday, December 14, 2009

beautiful life

What a great day today has been!

I totally ROCKED my anatomy final!


I made dinner! I'm so proud of myself.

I hope your day was as good as mine.



Sunday, December 13, 2009

a little bit of everything

Remember this?!

A year has passed since I posted that. A year is a long time. But not very long at all.
How is that?
My little mortal mind has a hard time comprending time.

Finals. They start tomorrow. Wow. This semester has gone by so fast. And so slow.
How is that?

I'm excited for Christmas. And more snow. And to go home.

Can I tell you how much I love the girls in my ward?
They are just fantastic!

{p.s. I'm addicted to blogging. Not that I wasn't before. I've just been blogging like crazy lately.}

{oh. and here's a picture just for kicks and giggles. enjoy.
I love you all!}

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just To See You Smile

I studied anatomy for 8 hours today!

{a picture to relieve some stress}

I sure do love this guy!

We may both look a little different.

But some things never change

I'll always be daddy's little girl.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

a letter to a (not so) dear friend

Dear Finals,

It's on like donkey kong. You're going down! I will show no mercy.



-2 Degrees

I love the cold! I really do. It's so wonderful. I feel so comfortable bundled up tight to walk out the door into it. I love putting on so many layers until it feels like I might burst from the pressure.

This morning when I left for school it was -2 degrees outside! How wonderfully crisp it was as I walked to the bus stop.

Want to know my favorite part about it being so cold? It's kind of weird. And you'll probably think I'm crazy and you'll probably laugh at me. But I really do love it. It's when you walk outside and you take a big wiff of the cold air through your nose and your nose hairs FREEZE! I love it. I love that feeling. Call me crazy, but I just love it!

Welcome Winter! I hope you stay for awhile!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Champion In Me

I realized that I have never posted this video and it is definitely blog worthy. For those of you who don't know I'm the RS president in my ward. And at our ward opening social at the beginning of the semester the activities committee asked myself and the EQ president if we would sumo wrestle each other....

I said I would if he said yes. Well he said yes. And guess who won.....

That's right-Yours truly was the champion!
{those suits were SO hot}

just the 3 of us, we can make it if we try

I love us!

{kristen, melissa, me}
p.s. i'm not screaming...i'm laughing...go figure

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Because I Don't Say It Enough

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!

I love you both. A lot. And I appreciate SO much all that you do for me. I wouldn't be able to do everything that I'm doing without you. You support me in every way possible!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are my rocks. I don't say it enough-
I love you!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

All I Want For Christmas

Dear Santa,

I've decided what I really want for Christmas. All I want is Jimmer! Thanks.


P.S. I've been a good girl all year long!

To The Man Upstairs: (Part 3)

Dear God,

Thanks for everything! You rock!!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

To The Man Upstairs: (Part 2)

Dear God,

It's me again. Thanks for helping me today. I think I didn't fail. I hope so. Can I ask for another blessing? Please bless that I don't fail my microbiology lab final tomorrow. Thank you so much!

Courtney Sue

P.S. Do you know how much I love you? Of course you do! :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

To The Man Upstairs:

Dear God,

Please bless that I don't fail my anatomy final tomorrow. Thanks.



P.S. Thanks for everything! You are the best.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I was driving home today with my parents and Melissa. My parents brought up a story about a woman from Provo who was in a plane crash in 2008. She was burned on 80% of her body and was in a coma for 2 months! But she SURVIVED! She's a wife and a mother of four. And she wakes up each morning in pain but she gets up and leads an incredible life!

She was on a Oprah about a month ago. I looked it up on And found this amazing video. Please, please watch it! It's so inspiring to me. Incredible. I want to be a person with that much determination, love, and faith. I've never met her, but she has inspired me to be a better person! I wish I could tell her that. I wish I could tell her how much her story touched me and how incredible she is! I'm sure people tell her that all time. But it really hit me. I'm inspired to enjoy EVERYTHING!! Even getting out of bed without a hassle! I really am so blessed. It's nice to be reminded of that.

I also found her blog. And I can't stop reading it. It is so inspiring I can hardly stand it! She makes me want to inspires others.

So thank you Stephanie! Thank you for sharing your story and for making me want to be a little better. To wake up tomorrow and do something good. To help someone. To make someone feel my love. To speak kinder. To walk taller. To share God's love with his children. Thank you!

You have inspired me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I miss these two boys. A lot.

I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

I can't believe they will both be home SO soon! But I sure do miss them. And it seems in just the past few days I've been missing them more and more. I just miss them.

And Emily just left. And I miss her SO much already.

Do you ever just miss someone?

I miss people a lot. I kind of get really attached to people and it's really hard for me to let them go. So I end up missing people a lot. It's nice to know that I'll get to spend eternity not only with my family but also with all the friends that I make here. I'll get to see them again and play with them again! How wonderful!

Friday, November 13, 2009


I went to this tonight! And it was so fun. I loved it! It was a great time. :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Because of facebook I have been able to read and hear and see about my alma mater's band tour this past weekend. They went to California and I'm pretty sure competed in the same two competitions I competed in when we went there when I was junior.

As I looked at some of the pictures, read some of the statuses, and watched some of the videos, I realized how much I absolutely miss it. I really do. It's probably the only thing about high school that I miss. I miss practicing for 8 hours in the hot sun. I miss running Quail. I miss marching in blizzards. I miss DF yelling at us from the ladder. I miss the long bus rides. I miss the thrill of a "perfect" show. I miss memorizing my music. I miss doing stupid skits. I miss listening to Dr. Fullmer's wise words. I miss spending 40 hours in the band room making pep band folders. I miss being called Flut. I miss hearing "1st place Timpview High School". I miss making fun of ROTing. I miss ROTing. I miss call times and show times. I miss pep band. I miss band council. I miss the band room. I miss the music library. I miss the DM room. I miss eating lucky charm's in the DM room after tour. I miss DF's office at lunch time. I miss presidency romance. I miss playing in an awesome concert and then going to Wendy's after. I miss sitting on the front row and hearing DF's jokes. I miss giving him a hard time. I miss being a secretary with my favorite secretary. I even miss the curtain. But most of all I miss the amazing quantity and quality of friends I had in band. As cheesy as it sounds we were a family. And. I. Miss. It.

A couple of weeks ago, some girls in my ward and I were complaining about how much longer we have until we graduate. Another girl who is graduated said "Enjoy it. There are a lot of things I miss about being in school." I've really been thinking about what she said. I wished high school away. All through high school I couldn't wait to graduate and then my senior year came along and I was having the time of my life and I didn't want to graduate. I don't want to do the same thing with college. I've really been trying hard to really enjoy it. I was thinking about it the other day as I was walking across campus and I thought "I really am going to miss this campus!" And as think about more and more, I love learning and I love what I'm learning right now. I am so blessed. I get to study nursing at BYU!! I am so in love with my life right now!

I knew I would miss it. I never knew I would miss it this much though. I guess it just goes to show you that you have to love your life now. Live life to fullest. Enjoy what you have cause once it's gone you'll probably miss it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Good Stuff

"I know there are many that suffer heartbreak, loneliness, pain, and setback. These experiences are a necessary part of the human experience. However, please do not lose hope in the Savior and His love for you. It is constant. He promised that He would not leave us comfortless.

When we face challenges in our lives, we are comforted by the words of the Lord in the 58th section of the Doctrine and Covenants:

“Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.

“For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand.”

Therefore, brothers and sisters, we must press on and eventually become more like the Lord in the process."

-Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

"The Lord has not asked him to do that. The Lord has asked us, as home teachers, to love and watch over our assigned families. The Lord has not asked President Monson to organize and conduct our family home evening. He wants us, as fathers, to do this.

You may feel that there are others who are more capable or more experienced who could fulfill your callings and assignments better than you can, but the Lord gave you your responsibilities for a reason. There may be people and hearts only you can reach and touch. Perhaps no one else could do it in quite the same way.

Our Heavenly Father asks that we represent Him in the noble work of reaching out and blessing the lives of His children. He asks us to stand firm with the power of the priesthood in our hearts and souls and give the calling we have at this moment our best efforts.

As strong as you are, you cannot and you should not lift a piano by yourself. Likewise, none of us can or should move the Lord’s work alone. But if we all stand close together in the place the Lord has appointed and lift where we stand, nothing can keep this divine work from moving upward and forward."

-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Monday, October 19, 2009

I think I can

I'm going to be a good nurse. I'm going to be a good nurse. I'm going to be a good nurse. I've somehow gotten myself into this crazy mindset that if I get a B on a test that I'm going to be a B nurse! What is wrong with me?

I need to get out of this mindset as soon as possible!

Instead of counting sheep tonight I'm going to fall asleep saying to myself I'm going to be a good nurse. I'm going to be a good nurse. I'm going to be a good nurse.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

All I Do Is Dream Of You

This guy has got a new album out!!
I wish I could marry him! And then he could sing to me all the time. And I could listen to his beautiful voice. And I could look at his attractive face all the time. And I could be famous too. And we would live happily ever after!!
(too bad he is 15 years older than me, not a member of the church, and not interested in a 20 year old Mormon girl who lives in Provo) A girl can dream, right??

Friday, October 2, 2009


I love my job. I love it. I love the people I work with. I love giving shots and drawing blood. I love calling in perscriptions. I love assisting the doctors. I even love checking people in. I love it!


My life is out of control right now! I'm taking 13 credits which actually isn't that bad. But all of my classes are hard classes. I work about 14-16 hours a week. And I go to class full time and I am the Relief Society President in my ward.

I am just starting to love my calling. At first it was overwhelming and crazy. And it's still crazy, but I'm growing to love it more and more everyday. I love the girls in my ward! And I want to share my testimony with them everyday and help them draw closer to the Savior. I want them to feel of His love and know that He knows them! I want them to realize, remember, and always know that they are daughters of a King!

I love school. It's so awesome. I love my classes. I love my professors. I love my class mates. I love it! I love learning how to look in someone's ear and how to palpate their lymph nodes. I love practicing and learning how to be a nurse. I love learning about the human body. And diseases. And nutrition. I love it.'s kicking my butt right now.

I can't keep doing all three of this things. It's going to kill me. I'm so dead right now. And getting so sick. One of them is going to have to give. And it can't be school or my calling. But I LOVE my job. I don't want to quit. I wan to be able to do all three but I'm not sure if I can.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Lesson Learned

I knew it was a bad idea. I did it anyway.

I ended up with water ALL over my bathroom floor. The toilet wouldn't stop overflowing with water. It was bad. And gross.

I laughed hysterically.

I turned the water off.

I called my father. He brought me our wet/dry vacum.

I sucked up all the water.

I then mopped the floor with a high concentration of bleach.

My eyes and throat were kind of burning.

Then I took a shower.

Note to self: Don't use paper towels when you run out of toilet paper.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bring On The Rain

Another day has almost come and gone
Cant imagine what else could wrong
Sometimes I'd like to hide away somewhere
and lock the door
A single battle lost but not the war

Tomorrow's another day
And I'm thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain

It's almost like the hard times circle round
A couple drops and they all start coming down
Yeah, I might feel defeated,
I might hang my head
I might be barely breathing - but I'm not dead

Tomorrow's another day
And I'm thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain

I'm not gonna let it get me down
I'm not gonna cry
And I'm not gonna lose any sleep tonight

Tomorrow's another day
And I'm thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain

“None so great has ever walked the earth. None other has made a comparable sacrifice or granted a comparable blessing. He is the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. I believe in Him. I declared His divinity without equivocation or compromise. I love Him. I speak the name of Jesus Chris in reverence and wonder. He is our King, our Lord, our Master, the living Christ, who stands on the right hand of His Father. He lives! He lives, resplendent and wonderful, the living Son of the living God.”

President Gordon B. Hinckley

I know that I can face the battle of today and the rain of tomorrow with Christ by my side! I am so grateful for that knowledge and my testimony of Jesus Christ. I'm not sure what I would do without it.

The World Spins Madly On

Time has always been such a strange concept for me. It goes by so fast and so slow all at the same time. How can that be? How can high school seem like yesterday and a million years ago all at the same time? How can a year go by in the blink of an eye, but my 2 1/2 hour class never end?

I'm a JUNIOR in college. How did I get this old? I remember thinking that when I was in college I was going to be so "adult" and old. I don't feel "adult". I don't feel mature. :) But I do feel old. Especially when I see people who I remember as babies who are now Seniors in high school! But I'm not old; I'm only 20. I still have so much of my life to live.

It's also weird to have people who are the same age as me, or even younger, getting married and having babies! We're the same age, but we are such different places in our lives. Sometimes I feel like they are moving forward and I'm just stagnant. But I know that's not true. My life is moving forward too. In fact, it's spinning madly on. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Haven't Met You Yet

I love Michael Buble! And I am obssessed with this song right now. I'd thought I'd share.

I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
Have Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stopped Keepin Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
Then I Let Myself Down.

I Tried So Very Hard Not To Lose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility

And I Now Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Time
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility

And Somehow I Know That Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It By It ??
To Be United

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility

And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get han I Get

Oh You Know It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet

I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get

I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Friday, September 18, 2009


*Caution*: This post is highly opinionated and political. :)

I hate Obamacare. There. I said it. I hate it. I hate universal health care! I hate socialism. I've been avoiding the whole Obamacare for sometime now, because I knew it would make it me mad. Today I went into the Terrace in the Wilk to eat my whole wheat bagel and CNN was on like always. They were talking about the health care reform and I got sucked in. I sat there wondering how I could change all of this from happening.

I think universal health care will ruin what is considered the best health care in the world. I want to be served and work in the best health care system in the world. I want to work right here in the United States, but I do NOT want to work in a universal health care system.

Competition runs our economy. There is no competition with universal health care. Doctors, Nurses, Therapists, Rad Techs, (the list goes on) will stop contributing and working at the top of their game if there is no competition in the health care field. Why would you want to take your child or your spouse or your mother or father or yourself to a Doctor when they are not going to provide you with the best practice they know how? Of course, there will be some that it won't effect, but for the most part people will stop working hard if their jobs and their money are not on the line. Along with universal health care comes a committee that decides if YOU get to have a surgery. Why would we want someone who isn't even a doctor and doesn't even know us to decide if we need a back surgery, or knee surgery, or brain surgery??

Don't get me wrong, change needs to happen. The health care system in America is not perfect. It's far from it. But I wouldn't say it's broken. It doesn't need to be fixed or reformed. It needs to be mended and added too. Malpractice insurance for example, is out of control! Doctor's cost so much because they have to pay such high malpractice insurance because people are so sue happy these days. And health insurance is too expensive. And needs to be available to more people. I don't know how to fix all these problems, but I do know that the answer is NOT obamacare!

We live in America, where we have freedom to choose right? Then why does the President want to mandate that everyone have health insurance?? I should not be required by the government to pay for something I don't want. If I don't want health insurance I shouldn't have to buy it!

Democrats are claiming that this "obamacare" is going to save money. But it's not. "The Congressional Budget Office says the leading health-care-reform proposals will increase health-care spending and make the budget harder to balance in the long run. Yet saving money is the President's principal stated rationale for reform." (Time) So, if the President wants to save money why is he proposing a health care plan that is going to cost us money now and later? Read this article.

The government currently has two insurance plans-Medicaid and Medicare. I know from experience that these types of insurance are extremely difficult to work with. Yes, they help thousands of people obtain health care. But Medicaid provides nothing! Everything has to be pre-authorized through Medicaid. If a woman is planning on getting pregnant she can't get per-natal vitamins until after she is pregnant! If a person who is having trouble losing weight and has tried all the other options and would like to have a surgery; Medicaid won't cover it. They cover well-child checks that's about it. And Medicare is a whole other issue right up there with Social Security!

I do like that what the President wants to do with what he calls stability and security. It cuts a lot of the unnecessary garbage you have to go through a lot of the time to get your insurance company to pay. It can be found here at the top of the page. I don't agree with what he wants to do for those who don't have insurance. A new insurance marketplace, as he calls it, and public health insurance is universal health care. And I also don't agree with his reform for all Americans. It would require a "large" business, more than 50 workers, to provide health insurance to their employees. That's going to make a lot of business goes bankrupt-just what our economy needs! Thanks Obama! And how can he promise that this isn't going to add a dime to the deficit. How does he plan to provide health insurance to over 50 million American without adding a dime to the deficit?

I've recently joined a Student Nurse's Association Committee at BYU that was made to write some Legalisation to send to Washington this year. I hope that will help me get my voice and my opinion out there as a student nurse and as an America.

Here are some articles that I found interesting and informative:
Will Doctors Buy ObamaCare?
Malpractice Reform
Side Effects
Health Care Reform Players
After Obama's Speech
The President's Plan

Monday, September 14, 2009

Goodbye Mr. Swayze

I was so devasted when I heard this news. I can't believe it. I mean, I was expecting it to happen soon; he has had pancreatic cancer for the past 20 months. He's put up such an amazing fight! He's a hero in my books. I loved his singing and his dancing and his acting. Many of you, or maybe none of you, will remember this post of mine from a few months back. It expresses the love that I have for him.

Dirty Dancing will always and forever be my favorite movie. I've decided to have a Dirty Dancing night in honor of Mr. Swayze. :) Anyone is invited who wants to come. Time and Place TBA.

Goodbye Mr. Swayze. :(

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I am teaching tomorrow in Relief Society....

I have never taught before....ever....

I'm pretty nervous


I'm praying a lot


I have faith that everything will be just fine.


Friday, September 4, 2009

sometimes it still feels like a dream

I finished my first week of nursing school today! I was so exhausted; I came home and took a 2 hour nap. But this week was incredible! I was impacted by so many things. The Spirit has already manifested to me many times that I am where I am supposed to be doing what I am supposed to be doing! And I'm so grateful for that.

I've already met some amazing people-students and professors. I'm excited for everything I will learn from them.

I'm excited to learn the Healer's Art in my next three years in the BYU nursing program. I'm excited to become a nurse that is knowledgeable and also compassionate. I'm excited to serve Heavenly Father's children everyday of my life. I can't wait to be a nurse.

I had a dinner orientation last night for all the new students. It was wonderful! I enjoyed every minute of it. We recited the Nightingale Pledge! I loved it!

I am so excited for the next three years. I know I'll have bad days and good days. It's going to be hard. I'm going to have late nights. And early mornings. I can not wait.

I don't know exactly what the next three years will bring. Life is so uncertain. I do know that I will have some amazing experiences and I know that it won't be perfect. But I also know that my testimony of Christ will guide me and protect me.

I'm scared. I'm nervous. I'm anxious. I'm excited. I'm happy. I'm grateful. I'm going to be a nurse!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Soeur Cutler

Emily is awesome! I love her. I'm so glad she always asked me for a ride home my Junior year. If it weren't for that I don't think we would have ever became such great friends. She was an answer to a prayer for me! It was a hard time in my life and I was praying so hard for a best friend. Emily was that best friend.

It always amazes me that no matter how long it's been since we last saw each other it's like no time has passed at all. We are still the same. I've loved all the time that I've spent with her. It's never a dull moment with Emily. And I will NEVER forget our night at Rock Caynon. :) Or our Annual Spanish Fork Rodeo-One Night Kiss N' Stand. Or our trip to the National Finals Rodeo. Some of my most treasured moments are with her!

I'm so proud of her. She has been through so much. And she is one of my heros! She is sacraficing 18 months of her life to spread the gospel and serve the Lord. I'm so grateful for her example. I'm going to miss her like crazy! And I already do. She's going to be such a wonderful missionary for the people in Switzerland. I'm so excited for her! Congrats Emily! Thanks for being such an incredible best friend! I love you!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Speeding Train

This girl is engaged! And I couldn't be happier for her. She's so awesome. She's became one of my best and closest friends ever in the past two years. I will be sad to see her move. But I love her oh so very much! And I'm so excited for her!! David is perfect for her and they are adorable together! Congrats Nichelley-poo, I love you!

I've figured something out in the past 48 hours-life NEVER slows down. You think it will. But it doesn't. I feel like I'm on a speeding train, sometimes it makes me nauseous. But sometimes I put my head out the window, like a dog, and it's SO fun! Sometimes I want to jump off, but I know that if I jump off it will hurt really bad. And other times it's like a really fun roller coaster ride and I never want to get off. Either way, I love my speeding train. Life is so incredibly wonderful and awesome and crazy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Busy Bee

I love my planner! It keeps me so organized. And it seems that I have to just keep adding and adding to it. It seems that life has gotten 1 million times as busy in the last month. But I love my busy life. I love looking in my planner and seeing a packed week! It is so incredible. Life never seizes to amaze me.

I'm loving my job more and more everyday. But I can't wait for school to start.

I got this the other day. And I love it. I love just looking at it. And listening to my own heart beat. I got this too. My roommates enjoy it. And I got these too! Sometimes it just hits me...I got into the BYU nursing program! I'm going to be a nurse! It just hits me, and I have to stop and just think how amazingly blessed I am.

I haven't left the state of Utah this summer. Not once. Is that pathetic? I went to the airport yesterady to pick up Lee and Sara from their cruise, and it made me want to fly somewhere so bad! I don't even care where; I just want to fly!

I really want/need a new laptop. My current one I got my senior year in high school and it is working extremely slow!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Good Stuff

I'm excited for school to start. (Less than a month).

I love my job.

I get to be a nurse in less than 3 years.

I get to see Chris in less than two weeks.

Lee and Sara are going on a cruise and I'm jealous.

I get to wear scrubs to work.

I love reading the Ensign.

I'm trying to finish the Book of Mormon before the end of the year.

I ran a 5k this summer. And actually finished.

I will get to wear scrubs to school.

I removed stitches today.

I shaved a man's chest.

I got 2 boxes of cereal, 2 boxes of pop tarts, 2 packages of cookies, 2 boxes of nutri-gran bars, and 2 boxes of fruit snacks for $2.00.

I went to an awesome wedding reception this week for two great friends.

I met a crazy man, but got to help him and realize that God loves him just as much as He loves me.

I watched The Adventures of Food Boy and enjoyed seeing people I knew as well as seeing my high school be famous. Unfortunately I didn't see myself.

I went on a midnight bargain/coupon shopping spree with Kristen and Kelsey.

I have a brand new scale.

My dad is incredible. And an answer to one of my best friend's prayers.

I am officially a credit card holder.

I have a new wallet that I love.

I really want to go on a bike ride.

I get to wait outside the temple.

I got a letter from Christopher.

I've been to the temple Open House 4 times.

Koda is getting huge.

I cleaned up a lot of blood at work.

I got some awesome deals at Buy Low.

Lola is getting 29 miles to the gallon.

I have not left Utah this whole summer.

I told my mom I would run a marathon with her.

Rasberry cheesecake shakes from Arctic Circle are better than anything else in the world.

I got to play in a concert with Dr. Fullmer directing.

I went to the Spanish Fork Rodeo.

I went camping with my family.

Country music is my obsession right now.

I have conference on CD.

I can't wait for football season.

I laid on the new Utah football field.

Christopher has almost been gone for a year; Jonathan has been gone for 16 months; Richard has been gone for almost 15 months.

Emily is getting her call soon.

Country music is playing all day at work.

There is a sweet deal at Build-A-Bear for the month of August. I want to go.

My new favorite song is Big Green Tractor. I don't care if Nichelle makes fun of me.

I'm going to own a horse someday. And live on a farm.

My co-workers are the best.

I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing with out my amazing parents who support me in everyway possible and more. And I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I've learned to go to bed early.

I don't have internet at my apartment right now. Or at least not on my computer.

I have the 4 cutest nephews ever.

My wish list is long.

I would love to have an old fashion bike.

I want to know how to play the guitar.

I need/want a new laptop.

I still have dreams even though my #2 dream came true. #1 is still in the works.

The temple is less than 5 minutes from where I live.

I got sprayed with liquid nitrogen today.

I get to sit front row in the North end zone again this year with my momma.

Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are my weakness.

I'm no longer on probabtion. (That means it has been over a year since I have been pulled over!)

I was not attacked with a hatchet today.

Life is so good!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I got a new job that I love! I got a job as a medical assistant at the IHC Saratoga Springs Instacare and Family Practice. The only bad thing about it is the drive. It takes me about 25-30 minutes to get out there. But it's totally worth it. I love the other nurses and ma's. And the doctors are great too! I've been training this whole week. I even did 4 blood draws today!! It was so fun. And got me really excited to start the nursing program!

The Lord has really blessed me. And I am so grateful!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dreams Do Come True

Yesterday, June 26th, was a very anxious day for me. But at 3:10 p.m. all my anxiety was replaced by excitement. If you would've been walking by my apartment at that time you would have heard two girls screaming and jumping up and down.

I had this crazy dream that I really wanted to get into the nursing program at BYU. After being a huge slacker my freshman year I kicked myself into shape and worked super hard my sophomore to get my grades up. And I started volunteering like crazy! I got my GPA way up. But I was still afraid it wouldn't be enough. I had no idea what I was going to do if I didn't get into the program.

And yesterday I received an email from the nursing advisement saying this:

"Congratulations! Your application for entrance to the Nursing program at BYU has been reviewed and the College of Nursing Acceptance Committee has voted to grant you acceptance to the program for Fall 2009."


I was freaking out! I ran down the hall way and started screaming and jumping up and down with Kristen. Then I called my mom, dad, Nichelle and Kelsey. Then I texted Lee, Chris, and Sara. And started texting everyone I could think of! I hadn't even read the first paragraph of the email yet. I was on cloud nine all of yesterday. And still am!

I had a dream. And it came true! :)

Thanks to everyone who has been such an awesome support to me through all of this! You know who you are. I couldn't have done without you! I love you all!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The (Un)Lucky One

I think I have some of the worst and best luck in the world! Want the good news or the bad news first? Let's go with bad news first!

Well this isn't bad but I need to introduce this. I quit Linx!! I was SO happy. I did not like that place one bit. On my last day my manager was lying to customers and being a jerk to me. I was done! I quit. But I didn't quit before I got another job. I got a job at Pinnacle, where I worked last summer, I'm going to be working in customer service. I know, not the best. But it's job and I'm sure it can't be worse than Linx. Anyway, there's the introduction to my bad news.

When I got the job I told them that I couldn't work this Friday or Saturday, because I'm doing to Y Group Leadership for BYU's new student orienentaion. Evan, manager from last summer, said that would be fine. So I started at Pinnacle on Monday. It was going all fine and dandy...until yesterday. I was at training and I said that I wouldn't be there on Friday. The training lady said "Well, why not?" I explained to her why and that Evan said it would be fine. She left, came back, and said "Courtney I need you to come with me" I went with her to go talk to the customer service manager. She said it was importatnt that I attend every day of training for the full two week training. She said I would be lost if I missed a day. (This is completely bogus! I would be fine) I can't back out of the Y Group Leader stuff. I already committed to it before I even got the job at Pinnacle. And besides, I want to do it. So she said let's have you start next week instead. Well there's another problem, I'm going to girl's camp with my mom the 28th-3rd. So now I won't start till July 7th! I have the worst luck with jobs!!

Okay, now for the good news!

I won a laptop!! It was so crazy! I had training for my Y Group Leader stuff last Saturday. They had a drawing for a free mini dell laptop. I didn't think I even had a chance because your name got put in the drawing more if you commented on their discussions boards. I only made ONE comment! So I'm sitting there next to Kristen and all of sudden I hear "Is there a Courtney Taylor here?" And I could not believe it! I was so astounded!!! I never win anything. It was so cool. And the laptop is so cute and little. It's really fun and will be nice to take to campus with me and such.

So anyway, there is my worst and best luck!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't Quit

Don't quit when the tide is lowest,
For it's just about to turn;
Don't quit over doubts and questions,
For there's something you may learn.

Don't quit when the night is darkest,
For it's just a while 'til dawn;
Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
For the race is almost won.

Don't quit when the hill is steepest,
For your goal is almost nigh;
Don't quit; for you're not a failure
Unless you fail to try.

Jill Wolf

Monday, June 8, 2009


Patience is not one of many great qualities. In fact I lack a lot of patience. And I feel like I'm constantly waiting on something. During school I was always waiting for the semester to be over. Now I'm waiting to find a better job. Or for the work day to be over. Or a letter. :) And mostly I'm waiting for an email telling me if I've my wish came true.

I guess it's all part of the journey...waiting. I guess the hard part of all of it is being happy while we wait. I'm reminded of President Monson's conference address in last October. He said "Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows."

I have a tile next to bed that has a quote from President Hinckley it says "Life is to be enjoyed not just endured" I try to remember that when I'm sick of waiting. Life isn't about waiting.

I had the opportunity on Saturday to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple House with three of my favorite people, Emily, Kristen and Nichelle! It was such an incredible exprience. And I highly recommened it. Walking through that beautiful temple made me realize what really is most important in life. It's not my job or my GPA or a career. It made me think about what is most important to me. As I walked into the Celestial room and the Sealing room I thought about how grateful I am to have a heaven on earth, a place where we can go to get away from the world and to be close to God.

Although I hate waiting, I can be happy while I wait. :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Little Wonders

Well the new job isn't what I thought it was going to be. I was very excited about it at first, until my first day. I kind of hate it. But I think that I've gotten to the point where I don't hate it anymore. I just highly dislike it. It has made me a very grouchy, pessimistic, negative person lately. I don't like being like this!

Things I don't like:
-Sitting at my desk for 8 straight hours!
-Doing the EXACT same thing EVERY day
-Having my manager sit right next to me. I feel like I'm always being watched!
-The hours. Saturdays and nights stink!

Things I like:
-The pay
-The location

I've had two interviews this week. And I applied at Pinnacle for customer service. I'm crossing my fingers that something will come up. I want to quit so bad! But I can't. I need the money. And Kristen and Nichelle told me I can't quit unless I have another job that is giving me at least 20 hours a week. I can't disappoint them.

And top that all off. I also have this horrible anxiety about the nursing program. My application is complete and submitted. I just wait now until they decided to email me. The anticipation is killing me. It could come any day.

Friday, May 22, 2009

No longer desperate

The search is over! I got a job. And I'm actually pretty excited about it. It's at Linx Satellite. And I will be working with a new product that they have called Voip-it's a phone service. I will mostly be doing projects for the new product and getting cusomters set up on the product.

They liked the experience that I had at Pinnacle so I'll probably be doing some things similar to what I did there but in a different area of the company than what I was in at Pinnacle.

I will probably have to work until 9 some nights. But that isn't too bad. And I really needed a job. And they're going to pay me pretty well too.

So, happy early birthday to me!