Friday, February 27, 2009


I posted this about a week and a half ago in regards to my humanities test....

I found out how I did on my test yesterday, and I felt like this:

But then I went to class and got my test back. I noticed that my professor added my points wrong...and I felt like this!!! I'm not sure if I've ever been more happy about a test! It was the most wonderful feeling!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye My Friend

So I've decided to observe Lent this year by giving up Dr. Pepper. I'm very scared to do this. But I think it will be great. I will miss you Dr. Pepper, you are my one true love. But it is said that time apart makes the heart grow founder. I don't know if I can do it. But I will try, try, try. Here it goes....wish me luck!


It turns out my Utes will be #1 afterall.... is giving them the CFT 2008 National Champsionship Trophy!!! 13-0! Here's the full atricle.

Happy Ash Wednesday!

I noticed at work today when I was asking a patient her LMP that today is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It is 46 days before Easter, so it is a different day each year. Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. The ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned. It is a day of repentance. So anyway, happy ash!

P.S. Here's how Ash Wednesday was celebrated in Salt Lake

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Solid Milk Chocolate with a Crisp Sugar Shell

Cadbury Mini Eggs are my all time favorite candy!! I just love their hard candy exterior and their delicious milk chocolate center. I'm not sure when my obsession for them started. But I love them. And my mom always gets me a bag when they first come out in the stores for the Easter season. Whenever I eat one I fill instantly better! Even their shape is satisfying. Such a unique candy! I only wish they were sold year around.

P.S. Here's a history of Cadbury if you're interested.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I feel like this now:

I hope I will feel like this soon: (especially after my humanities test tonight)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Even if we don't have that "special someone", we all have someone to love and we are all loved, so we can all celebrate this holiday. It's a great day to celebrate love. We are taught, as latter-day saints, to have the pure love of Christ. I hope we can all develop this trait even more. His love is perfect and unconditional! I hope we can remember that today and always! So, Happy Valentine's Day!!

Love is the essence of human experience and emotion. It is at the root of all and everything we, as humans, do. Without love, what do we have to live for?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tender Mercy of the Week

So I have a great friend, Jonathan, who is on a mission in Melbourne, Australia right now. And I've been pretty worried about him as of late because of all the catastrophic fires they've been having. Not extremely worried, but worried enough cause I don't really have a way of knowing if he is okay. So really I've just been praying for his safety and what not. And then the Lord gave me a tender mercy. I ran into Jonathan's mom on campus! I was so happy to see her. And I was able to talk to her and ask about Jonathan. She said he was okay as of Monday when he emailed last, that they hadn't been evacuated or anything, but that she trusted the Mission President. I was so grateful to know that was okay!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Religion" Girl

I swear this girl has a list of compliments in her head that just spontaeously pops out of her mouth everytime I see her. Like today, for example, I walked in, the piano had already started playing for the hymn, and before I even sat down she told me she liked my coat! How did she have time to see me and register that she liked me coat??

Here's a list of the compliments I have recieved from her so far:
-"I could see you as nurse" (The first day I met her)
-"I really like your hair" (It was in a pony tail)
-"I really like your blue shirt" (It was not blue)
-"Oh what a pretty necklace"
-"I really like your vest"
-"I like your coat"
-"Those are cute shoes"
-"You just look adorable today"
And this doesn't even include all the questions she likes to ask me.

I've realized that maybe I shouldn't be so mean, but she really annoys me with her compliments. And I know she's just trying to be nice. But she's trying to hard. And it is possible to be too nice.

Any suggestions on what I should do about overly nice "religion" girl?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Criminal Side

Sometimes I really want to take this place down.....

P.S. I really won't though...for those of you who are worried

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Regrettable" Incident

I love Michael Phelps! And I just heard about this and this. I'm not sure how I feel about it...

What do you think?

Movie Review

I had this awesome idea to watch a movie that I haven't seen everyday this month, and I started on Friday. But in recent news of a certain grade I received on a certain essay for a certain class I have decided that I must spend a little more time on school. Although I won't be watching one everyday, I would like to start watching movies that I have never seen. I watched three this weekend, the first was Take the Lead, the second was Step Up, and the third was Forever

Take the Lead:

A great dancing movie. Inspirational. Touching. True story. Good dancing. Cute love story. I love those touching high school stories about the underdogs kickin' some butt. Ha. :) And it has Antonio Banderas in it, you can't go bad with that man. "Do you love to dance?" "Yeah." "Then you're meant to dance." I give it 3 stars!

Step Up:
Also a great dancing movie. Awesome dancing. Another cute love story. Sad. Motivating. I love those cute high school love stories of the boy and girl who are completely different, but come together by some crazy chance and in this case, our brought together by dance! Not real life at all, but fun to watch. Channing Tatum is incredible. And he is very attractive. :) "Is this where you kill me?" I give it 3 1/2 stars!

Forever Young:

Mel Gibson! Jamie Lee Curtis! And Elijah Wood! I'm not sure you can wrong with those three. And Elijah Wood is 10, so cute. After his soulmate is killed, Mel Gibson decides to enter a confidentail experiment where he gets frozen. He wakes up over 50 years later to find he has no one, but an unsuspected surprise happens. Cute forever love story. "You're holding my heart." I give it 3 stars!