Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dreams Do Come True

Yesterday, June 26th, was a very anxious day for me. But at 3:10 p.m. all my anxiety was replaced by excitement. If you would've been walking by my apartment at that time you would have heard two girls screaming and jumping up and down.

I had this crazy dream that I really wanted to get into the nursing program at BYU. After being a huge slacker my freshman year I kicked myself into shape and worked super hard my sophomore to get my grades up. And I started volunteering like crazy! I got my GPA way up. But I was still afraid it wouldn't be enough. I had no idea what I was going to do if I didn't get into the program.

And yesterday I received an email from the nursing advisement saying this:

"Congratulations! Your application for entrance to the Nursing program at BYU has been reviewed and the College of Nursing Acceptance Committee has voted to grant you acceptance to the program for Fall 2009."


I was freaking out! I ran down the hall way and started screaming and jumping up and down with Kristen. Then I called my mom, dad, Nichelle and Kelsey. Then I texted Lee, Chris, and Sara. And started texting everyone I could think of! I hadn't even read the first paragraph of the email yet. I was on cloud nine all of yesterday. And still am!

I had a dream. And it came true! :)

Thanks to everyone who has been such an awesome support to me through all of this! You know who you are. I couldn't have done without you! I love you all!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The (Un)Lucky One

I think I have some of the worst and best luck in the world! Want the good news or the bad news first? Let's go with bad news first!

Well this isn't bad but I need to introduce this. I quit Linx!! I was SO happy. I did not like that place one bit. On my last day my manager was lying to customers and being a jerk to me. I was done! I quit. But I didn't quit before I got another job. I got a job at Pinnacle, where I worked last summer, I'm going to be working in customer service. I know, not the best. But it's job and I'm sure it can't be worse than Linx. Anyway, there's the introduction to my bad news.

When I got the job I told them that I couldn't work this Friday or Saturday, because I'm doing to Y Group Leadership for BYU's new student orienentaion. Evan, manager from last summer, said that would be fine. So I started at Pinnacle on Monday. It was going all fine and dandy...until yesterday. I was at training and I said that I wouldn't be there on Friday. The training lady said "Well, why not?" I explained to her why and that Evan said it would be fine. She left, came back, and said "Courtney I need you to come with me" I went with her to go talk to the customer service manager. She said it was importatnt that I attend every day of training for the full two week training. She said I would be lost if I missed a day. (This is completely bogus! I would be fine) I can't back out of the Y Group Leader stuff. I already committed to it before I even got the job at Pinnacle. And besides, I want to do it. So she said let's have you start next week instead. Well there's another problem, I'm going to girl's camp with my mom the 28th-3rd. So now I won't start till July 7th! I have the worst luck with jobs!!

Okay, now for the good news!

I won a laptop!! It was so crazy! I had training for my Y Group Leader stuff last Saturday. They had a drawing for a free mini dell laptop. I didn't think I even had a chance because your name got put in the drawing more if you commented on their discussions boards. I only made ONE comment! So I'm sitting there next to Kristen and all of sudden I hear "Is there a Courtney Taylor here?" And I could not believe it! I was so astounded!!! I never win anything. It was so cool. And the laptop is so cute and little. It's really fun and will be nice to take to campus with me and such.

So anyway, there is my worst and best luck!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't Quit

Don't quit when the tide is lowest,
For it's just about to turn;
Don't quit over doubts and questions,
For there's something you may learn.

Don't quit when the night is darkest,
For it's just a while 'til dawn;
Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
For the race is almost won.

Don't quit when the hill is steepest,
For your goal is almost nigh;
Don't quit; for you're not a failure
Unless you fail to try.

Jill Wolf

Monday, June 8, 2009


Patience is not one of many great qualities. In fact I lack a lot of patience. And I feel like I'm constantly waiting on something. During school I was always waiting for the semester to be over. Now I'm waiting to find a better job. Or for the work day to be over. Or a letter. :) And mostly I'm waiting for an email telling me if I've my wish came true.

I guess it's all part of the journey...waiting. I guess the hard part of all of it is being happy while we wait. I'm reminded of President Monson's conference address in last October. He said "Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows."

I have a tile next to bed that has a quote from President Hinckley it says "Life is to be enjoyed not just endured" I try to remember that when I'm sick of waiting. Life isn't about waiting.

I had the opportunity on Saturday to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple House with three of my favorite people, Emily, Kristen and Nichelle! It was such an incredible exprience. And I highly recommened it. Walking through that beautiful temple made me realize what really is most important in life. It's not my job or my GPA or a career. It made me think about what is most important to me. As I walked into the Celestial room and the Sealing room I thought about how grateful I am to have a heaven on earth, a place where we can go to get away from the world and to be close to God.

Although I hate waiting, I can be happy while I wait. :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Little Wonders

Well the new job isn't what I thought it was going to be. I was very excited about it at first, until my first day. I kind of hate it. But I think that I've gotten to the point where I don't hate it anymore. I just highly dislike it. It has made me a very grouchy, pessimistic, negative person lately. I don't like being like this!

Things I don't like:
-Sitting at my desk for 8 straight hours!
-Doing the EXACT same thing EVERY day
-Having my manager sit right next to me. I feel like I'm always being watched!
-The hours. Saturdays and nights stink!

Things I like:
-The pay
-The location

I've had two interviews this week. And I applied at Pinnacle for customer service. I'm crossing my fingers that something will come up. I want to quit so bad! But I can't. I need the money. And Kristen and Nichelle told me I can't quit unless I have another job that is giving me at least 20 hours a week. I can't disappoint them.

And top that all off. I also have this horrible anxiety about the nursing program. My application is complete and submitted. I just wait now until they decided to email me. The anticipation is killing me. It could come any day.