Monday, January 4, 2010


10 years ago, when the 21st century started, I was 10.

I can't seem to get over that fact. I don't really feel like 2000 was that long ago. But maybe it was. It was a whole decade. I certainly have changed a lot since I was 10. (Thank goodness!)

But as I think about 10 years ago I start to think about 10 years from now.....

2020. I'll be 30! Will I be married? Will I have kids? Will I still live in Utah? Will I be working? Will I look back to 2010 and think that doesn't seem like a long time ago? Will I think "wow I've changed a lot!"? Will I look back at 2010 as one of my best years?

I hope so.

Not only does this new year bring, well, a new year, but it also brings a new decade.

What will you do this year and in this decade to make it the best so far?

I've tried to answer that question for myself, because I do want this year to be the best so far. I want to grow like I've never grown before. I want to do amazing things. And meet amazing people.

I think about just this past year and how much my life has changed in the past year! I think in the past year my life has changed more than any other year. And I'm so grateful for that.

Something in me is telling me that this year is going to be big.

I'm a little scared. But mostly excited!

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be a big year for you! Your attitude is a powerful thing. Keep up the optimism. Can't wait to see what happens to you this decade.

