Thursday, June 3, 2010

Get Away

Life can take a funny turn of events!

Sometimes I think I get things figured out-like about a month ago-and then I realize that I have nothing figured out-like now.

Everyone in my ward has been having dating discussions like mad. I'm sick of shallow and immature guys!

I think I'm finally ready to move out of my ward.

My room is messy. And my bank account is empty. I have no clean underwear.

I have so many dreams. And I feel like they are so far out of reach right now.

I need a vacation. I need sometime away from Provo.

p.s. I usually shy away from posts like this. But I have nothing else to say. And it's my blog! But don't worry life is still so good! :)


  1. I know just how you feel! That's happened to me often where life just drains out. No bueno! Good news: we are almost done with school!!

  2. You are absolutely allowed to have posts like this. I hope that things take a nice turn for you soon. Until then, I recommend popsicles. They brighten things up rather nicely.
