Today at work a cute little old man came in. His name was Albert. He is already awesome cause his name is Albert.
But it gets better.
I was getting his vitals and he says you forgot something. He pulls a yellow paper out of his pocket and proceeds to turn it into a bird!
And then he gave it to me! He showed me how to make it fly. And then I made it fly and he said "Yeah. Just like that!"
It made my day! It was so adorable.
And then when he was leaving he said "Hey. I saw your twin sister earlier."
I said "My twin sister?"
"Yeah. She was sitting right there about 20 minutes ago."
"Um. I don't have a twin sister."
And he just proceeds to smile!
I wanted to take him home with me!! He was so cute.
Also, I love seeing cute old couples together! Like the old man who called his wife babe today! So adorable.
I hope my husband calls me babe when I'm 80!
I love my job!