Sunday, July 14, 2013

Life is Beautiful

I took a drive today.

A drive up the canyon is one of my most favorite things. And lucky for me Utah has lots of canyons.

I've lived in SLC for almost ten months and I still hadn't been up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Today felt like a good day to change that.

I piled my pups in the car and we went driving. Windows down. Sun roof open. A good playlist playing. And of course, a diet coke.

It was good for my soul.

I feel at home in the mountains. Maybe it's the living in Utah my whole life thing, but I love being in the mountains.

As I drove through the canyon, I couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty of my life. If you would've asked me 5 years ago where I would be in 5 years I probably wouldn't have got one thing right about where I am now. But I'm so glad I am where I am. It's not perfect and I'm not perfect. It's hard and ugly sometimes, but it's also shaping me into the person I want to be. And I have a lot of things I need to change, but my life is beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. It sure is gorgeous up there! Let's go on a hike together!!!
