Wednesday, August 7, 2013


If one more person asks me why I am not married or why I am not dating anyone I think I might explode. Literally explode.

I mean think about the question.

"Are you dating anyone?"
"Why not?"

Usually I just say "I don't know."

What I want to say is "Cause I'm ugly." or "Cause I'm fat." or "Cause I like girls." (I really don't like girls I just want to make people feel awkward.) or "Cause I don't cook." or "Cause I don't do my hair." or "Cause I am just too cool."

I mean really people. What kind of answer are you looking for when you ask that question?

I'm getting very sick of living in a society where people think they need to apologize to you cause you have a successful career instead of a husband and kids. Of course I want to be married and have children. It's the strongest desire of my heart. But for whatever reason it's not in the cards right now and I am okay with that. Why can't the rest of you be okay with it too?

Alright, I'm done now. Really this post sounds a lot more angry than I actually am. I just wanted to get that off my chest. :)


  1. YEESSS!! Oh I want to jump up and down from this post. I couldn't agree more!

    I think you are amazing for having such a sound job and finding passion in your life outside of just that one track.

  2. People can be so dumb. I think you should just tell them that you haven't met a boys smart enough to ask you. After all, that must be true since you are beautiful, smart, funny, loyal, you have a testimony, you are kind and generous, and a lot of fun to be around. That is unless you have changed A LOT in the past few years.
    P.S. If you come to visit me I promise that I won't ask you that. :)
